I agree with all the others. OUTSTANDING JOB, Kevin, Rob, and their Spouses!
My 10 year son Thomas went with me and had a BLAST! We weren't eligible for
any prizes because my Bugeye still isn't done yet, (thanks for donating
anyway Ed!) But we still had fun, even in the Explorer. This is the first
time my son and I had done anything like this, but it won't be the last!!!
We came in last, in time, probably spent too much time at the yard sales
looking for the scavenger hunt items. One of them was a scene straight out
of Deliverence! Very polite folks but very eerie! We would have scored even
more points if I hadn't cleaned out the car the night before, you never know
what you might need for the hunt!!
We also got caught behind a parade of at least 100 Fire trucks. Good thing
there were no fires in NE Pa saturday as all of the Fire Trucks were in
The hospitality and organization of all the Valentines was incredible, and
the are very gracious hosts. Can't thanks you all enough!!
For those who haven't made this fun trip, you must try!
Cap'n you ain't that far, you shoulda come!!
ps Rob, Ishkabibble says WATCH OUT< he'll be back!
thanks for puttin up with him everybody ;-)
Brian and Thomas
Bugeyeracer under resto
pss Hey Dan, even my wife, looking at one of the pictures, thought you were
Once again a fine job by the Valentines on the rally. Great to see
everyone again, we had a blast. BTW Rob, the rooster barn was
reddish-brown - I could have used that point!
Dan Walters
'63 Sprite
'74 Midget
'75 BMW 2002
Brick NJ
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Pa Rally Web Page
Hey All,
The Rally Page is up.........
Kevin V.
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