I have just purchased a 1275 block. I'm considering building it to replace my
948 in my Bugeye. I think the last engine I rebuilt was a 455 Rocket Olds V8
over 20 years ago.
Any suggestions as to where I should begin? It would seem logical to
overbore as much as structural limitations would allow since I'm trying to get
more power, and displacement is the easiest way. I'm not building a racer,
just a reliable street machine. I'm reinstalling the 948 in the bugeye until
I figure out when/if to go with this block-but doing the disc brake conversion
while she's apart for simplicity's sake.
Where should I start? What is the logical order of assembly? I've got
Vizard's book, as well as "How to Power Tune Midget and Sprite for Road and
Track." The block hasn't arrived yet - I got it for <$10 plus about 50 bucks
shipping. I don't know if I have a crank or oilpan, etc., but I thought I
would query the list to get some ideas. Of course I will need pistons,
valves, etc, as well as valve cover, dizzy, and the whole 9 yards.
Billy Green