I am in the middle of changing
the front suspension on the
68. I am catching my breath,
and allowing the spring pans
and disc brake backers to dry
from being coated with fresh
paint. Thank you to Peter for
the new shocks, I will have
the cores on their way to you
this week. Btw, I was missing
the bolt on the right shock
that keeps the trunion bolt
from turning, I hope this
isn't a big issue.
Just Ed, the parts are great,
everything is going on fine!!!
All the bolts coming threaded
through the bushings,
eliminated the concerns that I
would follow in the footsteps
of a fellow lister, halfway
through the project. I have
the new shocks and A arm
assemblies mounted, so once
the paint is dry, I will go
back to wrenching.
I did come across one bit of
difficulty in this task. The
two A arm bolts were rusted in
the metal sleeves and quite
the bitch to remove. After a
bit of struggle with the left
side, I remembered an old tip
I read in a hot rod magazine
many years ago. Off to the
shed and a bit of fuel line. I
cut it to about 1 1/2" long,
and put it over the bolt, once
the nut was removed of course.
Then I fit a suitable drift
(punch) into the other end of
the line. This kept the two
lined up, and the drift could
not "drift" off the bolt,
whilst I was smacking the shit
out of it. It worked quite
well, and though many of you
may already know of this
trick, I wanted to pass it
along to those that didn't.
Well, I have cooled down a
bit, and I am sure the Texas
sun has worked it's magic on
the paint. Off to the drive
and finish the task at