I hope you realize that my response ( the 19th didn't work for me, how
bout the 22nd) was completely tongue in cheek, and meant to ridicule the
idea of not using gas on one day as making a difference, as much as the
proposed no gas day could be changed for one person that "it didn't work
for" would happen.....
-----Original Message-----
From owner-spridgets at autox.team.net
[mailto:owner-spridgets@autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Robert E. Shlafer
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 9:10 AM
To: Ron Soave
Cc: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Fwd: FW: Subj: Fwd: Don't buy gas on May 19th
There we go...a thinking man!
(and yeah...you ARE a rocket scientist,
Now, how are we really going to use less
gas in our lives? You can't really say that
we will simply not use our cars on a
selected day 'cause whatever we couldn't do on that one day (shopping
the like) we'd simply have to squeeze into
the days before or after, right? And, we gotta go to work, right? So, no
saved by not using one's cars on a selected day.
And, no gas saved by not buying gas on a
selected day, either (I mean, obviously!!:).
See...no free lunch....no easy way. And
no easy way to "fight back", either.
We simply have to decrease our thirst for
petroleum by developing alternative forms
of power, right? I don't see we have any other choice.
Now...here comes the fun part!! Who do
you think will end up owning or controlling the alternative means of
Bet it'll be Exxon Nitrogen, Shell Electric, BP Sun (yeah, they'll find
a way to charge
for "sun" in terms of "storing/using" it!!:).
Ya' know....I think we're screwed no matter what we do. If it ain't by
the Arabs,
it'll be by our own "corporate leaders of
honor and integrity", anyway!
Gee, I'm glad I'm old and on the downside....we are all so f-cked!! :):)