I think maybe I wasn't clear on what I'm trying to find.
I understand that caster cannot normally be adjusted. However, I had
experience with my MGB where the front crossmember had been bent, the left
side twisted up and back. (PO stuff.) Because of this, the wheelbase was
actually shorter on the left than on the right, and because the suspension
was leaning back, there was more caster on the left. By about 2.5 degrees
as I recall.
The remedy was a new crossmember. That side had been a little low as
Now, I figure that one way a Spridget can take a set over time is that one
frame leg can have been bent up more than the other. That may be why the
front spring adjustment can fix it. So if the angle of the frame member
sets the caster, then if one is bent up too far, it would exhibit a
different caster on that side.
What I'm getting at is a diagnostic tool that could reveal a reason for
the set, and consequently, a remedy: an appropriate tug on a frame
The '66 I have now is perfectly level, by the way. Don't know why.
"Robert E. Shlafer" wrote:
> I don't think so, Jim...
> Castor is vertical fore/aft "rake" of front wheels. Not adjustable
> except by frame
> "straightening", in the event it's "bent".
> "List" is side to side body "lean" which is
> normally to the left (as viewed from the
> rear) on LHD cars and the other way when it's RHD cars. These cars are
> unibody and seem to take a "set" over
> time.
> Some listers report success in correcting
> for this via the FRONT spring "correction"
> (lowering-raising).
> Cap'n. Bob
> '60 :{)