Due to a union wherein IT became
progressivley more important as those it
was representing became less so over
time, "the position" has suffered accordingly with respect to "pull" in
these respects, most especially since the
foregoing occurred concurrent with
de-regulation and falling profit margin
per passenger.
Today, aircrew (including pilots) are nothing special, moreso when you
consider airline pilots have been more
than twice FBI checked by the time I left
the business, and still haven't been issued
an "airport universal access card" (based
in finger/eye "print"). So to this extent, we
are still treated as a "security risk".
Back in the good 'ole pre-electronic days
we got cut rate tickets for all our buddies
and even got them aboard for free most of
the time, considering the relatively decent
profit margin per passenger in those days.
You'll never see this least not in my lifetime! :):)
I just turned down a relatively decent
"quarter share" position at Westchester
County airport because it would involve
commuting by airline to pick-up and/or
drop off company aircraft in East Bumf--
k at beginning and most likely at the end
of each weekly sequence.
Commuting around the country by airline
these days, is simply not for your's truly
unless somebody wants to pay co-pilots
100k annually!! But for the starting pay
of 40-45K, the "energy burn" considering
today's airline security just isn't worth the
bother, especially for so little time spent actually flying the
airplane...lotta sittin'
around waiting for clients. Too many
"minuses" and not enough "pluses"! :)
Not worth the hassle.
Cap'n. Bob
'60 :{)