I finally managed to get a nice blue spark on my car (using the color tune
stuff), which means that I should have a nicely tuned up car :-)
>From the original setting on the Webber DGV carb (.55 idle jet, 1.40 primary
jet, 1.65 primary air corrector, I went to .47 idle jet, 1.25 primary jet
and 1.80 primary air corrector! (the air corrector seams to be the most
efficient change, I might go back and change the primary jet to go back up,
but I do not want to do it now))!
I wanted to ask your knowledgeable brains a couple of questions:
- After 25 Years, what do you think is the state of my catalytic converter?
(ie: is it still doing anything)?
- as my exhaust pipe and all the rest is a rust nest, I was thinking about:
- changing the header to a 4/2/1
- replacing the old noisy exhaust with a new pipe and exhaust, but without
the catalytic converter (I know, I should not, but if the 1976 models do not
have a cat, why should I have to deal with one, especially if my current cat
is bad)?
Thanks, cyrille