Huffaker? Cool!! yourself a favor. Read Dave
Vizard's section of his book on air filters
and before running on the road without
or with anything except, give a call to
Huffaker, Rivergate and/or APT and ask for advice from the experts.
Guys who tear 'em down and build 'em
all the time.
The best airflow (filtered) is with larger
filter cans and/or larger more "exposed"
The engine compartment is a huge
"reservoir" for relatively undisturbed,
albeit unfiltered air for the velocity stacks.
Now...the cool air box on Jacques
LaClainche's racing BE is also a huge
reservoir of relatively still air. It's a
huge reservoir because it's supplied by
a 4" breather, yet the air within this
reservoir is also relatively undisturbed
(this is a good thing!). Better yet, it's
filtered air 'cause the filter is in the tube
(this is a good thing!) And better yet,
it's not "hot" (less dense) engine compartment air (bad for power) it's
cooler (more dense) outside air (good
for power).
So Jacque's "cold air box" is sorta the
cat's meow (and cat's are never wrong!:)
of all worlds in clean, high flowing, cool induction air while allowing
him to run
his velocity stacks (he's got the long ones)
"open" without POSSIBLE engine shortening "contamination" by foreign
Don't take my word for it. Do your own
thinking after consulting with those who
really "know". Me...? I'm just a pilot. My
expertise is in getting people and or
equipment safely from point A to B....
a mere "bus driver" if you will!! :):)
In any's your car and your bucks
and while I may be concerned for a buddy, I also respect the right of my
buddy to see it his way and name his
own poison. Just don't tell me about it
if it doesn't agree with mine! <VBG>.
Happy New Year! :):)
Cap'n. Bob
'60 :{)