beware most motorcycle shops who at one time had these "sock type" filters
no longer stock them! why? most bikes are now using fuel injection and
cold air boxes. i have a local race bike fabricator who i thought was
going to be able to help me out and that was his answer as to why he had
-----Original Message-----
From Robert E. Shlafer <PilotRob at>
To: <>
Cc: Bill L <>; spridgets <>
Date: Monday, December 29, 2003 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: Re[3]: carb stacks (In 25 words or less)
>"Filter Socks"
>Yep...this'll work...
>But note: "RACER'S Supply"
>Local motorcycle shop will have
>these also, BTW. Not the best solution to
>filtration but most certainly a reasonable "alternative" though I am a
>"cold air box"
>believer at this point with K&N filter in the
>tube! Direct tube outside the engine compartment for summer, inside for
>really cold winter days! :)