Wait a minute here!!!
Where are the mandatory questions about cats, beer, and guns??? Just because
he is a professor doesn't mean that we have to assume that he is pro-cat,
anti-gun, and likes lager, does it?
Oh... you mean it is MY turn to ask? Now you tell me!
Professor, this list has several different personas and a virtual reality of
its own wherein Spridgets are practical cars as well as winning race cars
and other improbabilities. This alternate reality thrives on email bits and
must be fed regularly. In order to maintain the necessary level of
bit-sacrifices required by the deity known as Spridget, we must continually
post messages to this list.
Since all of our Spridgets run perfectly and never break down, we must
continually recuit new victims (oops, I mean fellow souls) to feed the need.
When that comes up short we supplement with messages about cats, guns, beer,
and other subjects on which, fortunately, it is not necessary (or even
desirable) to agree. For instance, I have three cats, no guns, and I have
never had a beer.
When even those tactics fail to supply an adequate volume of bits, we have
had to resort to computer-generated messages usually tagged with the
obviously spurious and improbable name of "Cap'n Bob". For those weak
mortals who have not yet come to the true worship of the Spridget deity,
there exists an alternate subscription level to this list called
"spridgets-mod" which weeds out messages which contain no references to
Spridgets so that by constant exposure to Spridget content, they too can
come to believe.
Behold, Spridget is a mighty deity and although neither omnipotent nor
omnipresent, has achieved a biumvirate state of Sprite and Midget and is
striving for the triumvirate of Bugeye, Sprite and Midget with the
possibility of eventually being revealed as the four-in-one Bugeye, Sprite,
Midget, and SpitFidget.
Get in line now for your opportunity to contribute mightily! How about a
virtual world-wide Spridget club?
David Lieb
1972 RWA Midget
2002 GTI for Trish to beat me at autocross with