LOL, Brian...
Well, an ATC control room would be a
very juicy target to the bad guys, that's
for sure. Better too careful than not
careful enough but I can bet it's a PITA.
Felt the same way about "based" pilots
who couldn't get an universal access card
to the airport they were permanently based at and had to pass through
every time they went "upstairs" to buy a
newspaper or got a bite to eat.
It's a shame. The tour is such a terrific
education, to both the pilot and non-pilot
IMHO. But understandable, Brian.
Yeah...ya GOTTA have coffee and donuts.
I'm surprised there is not a paragraph or
at least a clause on this in the contract,
specifying minium standards for both!! :):)
Cap'n. Bob
'60 :{)