Oh, I don't know, I got to try out my new snowblower today. Very happy
with it, except that even with the skids fully lowered it still wanted
to pick up gravel off the driveway. Very nearly broke a window on my car
and my house!
A garage would be nice, though. I'm certainly not lying down in the snow
to work on my Midget!
<-----Original Message----->
From: David Lieb
Sent: 12/6/2003 2:41:25 PM
To: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: was: Nice snowy drive in the MG - now plastic Jesus
> Not much to do here in NJ right now, just shovel and drink ;-)
Shame on you for not getting your priorities straight! You are
supposed to shovel a path to your garage and work on your Spridget.
Gotta get back out to the garage now myself...
David Lieb