I am sorry. I just realized that I am severely behind in my required cat
content. Allow me to make amends immediately!
I took today off work and went Xmas browsing with the lovely and talented
Trish Finn (yup, the same one who was running the sandblaster at SOS). Among
other unproductive stops was a Barnes & Noble I patronized while waiting for
Trish to finish at a scrap-booking store (ugh!). While perusing the humor
section, my eye was caught by a book with the title of "Why Paint Cats?" You
talk about being bombarded by the possibilities!!! I had to pick it up and
find out whether this was perpetrated by the Deikis camp or the Cap'n Bob
It turned out to be a perfectly serious (if slightly bizarre) volume dealing
with the practise of altering the colour scheme of your favorite felines
(WITHOUT the use of soft-nosed ammunition, thank you very much!) through
peroxide and dyes. There was a Persian that had been dyed blue when the
owner broke up with her botfriend, then the tips dyed red when she hooked up
with some new guy to create a two-tone cat that resembled something you
might have worn to a disco. Another feline had been decorated so that her
back end resembled the front end of an elephant. I was afraid to find out
why. Others had giraffe paint jobs. Mind you, some of these do's cost the
woner in excess of $4000! I think my favorite, however, was the Scot who had
his cat done up in his clan tartan. He claims that he easily recouped his
expenses at his bar by betting people that not only was there such a thing
as a "tartan cat", he had one upstairs.
Oh yes, some LBC content. I managed to get to Farm and Fleet as one of the
stops (glad they have that toy section during the Xmas season) and was able
to pick up that 1 1/8" socket for the diff pinion as well as the 1 7/8"
socket for the rear wheel bearings. Thanks, Ron!
David Lieb