--- "Robert E. Shlafer" <PilotRob@webtv.net> wrote:
> Great. Change that to Americans holding
> 3 "McDuff's" paying jobs here in USA to pay the
> mortgage and send Johnny
> to
> college as our "leaders" export our
> manufacturing/industry to Usa and elsewhere!
Interesting spot on NPR a few weeks ago about China.
Turns out the younger chinese have a "buy American"
mentality. They are furious that at their largest
retailer ("Woo-Mart", I shit thee not) all the goods
are made in China, with prices similar to what they
are here. Thing is, they know the laborer for the $12
t-shirt makes 80 cents a day, and refuse to patronize
that. We should be doing the same here. It's just
getting damn near impossible.
Ron Soave
"Chi spende meno spende piu."
- Aunt Tessie
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