> So what is the best way to clean this up without making matters worse?
> 600 wet paper?
> Scotchbrite pad?
> Next question:
> Once perfect, should I lacquer or clear powder coat over the polished
> aluminum? Or will it start to dull under this protective layer?
I used 400 grit wet, then 1200 grit, then buffed with a pad and white rouge.
I keep them sharp with Speedy metal polish, it seems to last a good long
time and it's easy to use on aluminum.
Lacquer or powdercoat will dull them out ot yellow them.
Check out my aluminum wheels on my home page. they were a mess when I
got them. I spent a night on each one and they guy who gave them to me
asked me if I had them chromed. they are vintage 1973 slots.
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ
Down to just a few Sprites