Can you use another shipment of Ipswich clams. Flounder thinks they're
oysters, but I think it's wishful sexual thinking. I know you and TuTone know
to do with them.
Won't be making it myself, as I've just "invested" in a new project, a
Fiberfab Jamaican on a Healey chassis. It's set up for a 396 Chev and Muncie 4
although the drivetrain is long gone. I found out that Chris Beebe from
Madison created the original Jamaican body.
AN5, BJ7, &
Soon to be Healey-Jamaican, "Nasty Rasta"
In a message dated 11/13/03 4:30:32 PM, nosimport@mailbag.com writes:
<<There will be some food and beverage provided, though
the more the better. (hint hint)>>