Work continues on the restoration of my 60 Bug. Slow but steady, I try to do
something everyday. My mantra is "at least one hour a day". Sometimes that hour
only consists of putting tools up or cleaning the garage. Parts are starting to
trickle in from the powder coater. He's had most of my parts for over two
months but says it'll be worth my while if he can do the work in his down time.
Time is in my favor but sure would like to get the rear axle and brake backing
plates back so I could start that project.
I started refurbishment on the dash last night. It has an ugly non-standard
radio opening cut in it that I'll be repaired today. Most gages and switches
are in good working order and can be reused. Unfortunately I could not remove
the windscreen washer assembly and had to cut it off the dash. So if anyone has
a spare that they'd like to sell, let me know. When removing the heater switch
a small pin fell out and am unsure of where it belongs. It looks like it fits a
hole in the "slider" assmbly to the cable aft of the switch housing and acts as
a cable stop. The pin fits nicely into the hole but has no way of retention.
Does anyone have an idea or a switch sitting in junk box they could look at.
If I'm not clear as to my description I could e-mail pictures for
Larry Pitts