--- Frank Clarici <spritenut@Exit109.com> wrote:
> Where do people buy QUALITY tools these days.
Harbor Freight has a great selection at low, low, low
prices. Just kidding.
I'll check at work and see if I can buy one for you,
not sure of brand.
Remember those rare Made in USA wire crimp-on
connectors I sent you? Bet they're still working.
Remember when you came to work with me, and we
rummaged through that area with all the old tools and
hardare because our co-tenant Invensys moved one of
the lines (Erie Temp Controls) to a 3rd world country
I won't name? Customer was so pissed at poor quality
and delivery they demanded it be moved BACK to the USA
or they were rescinding all orders, and they'd accept
a price increase to do it! That ex-scrap area now
employs 50 people and is humming out several thousand
temperature controllers per day, coming soon to an
oven near you. Too bad there aren't enough customers
willing to take a stand - too often it's just the
opposite, cut the prce by x-cents per unit or we go elsewhere.
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