my good man how's things on the other side of the pond? it's been a long
time since we met at watkins glen. have not heard much from your end.
hopefully all's well!
"same darn bugeye for 29 years and counting!"
(i really love this car!)
-----Original Message-----
From Ron Corry <Corry at>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, October 26, 2003 2:34 AM
Subject: Speedi Sleeve questions
>Hi List,
>Couple of questions for you Gear-heads out there as I'm thinking I should
>fit Speedi Seals to
>my Sprite rear axle.
>Q.1 What Speedi Sleeve part number should I ask for?
>Q.2 Should I leave the Flange on, or not?
>Q.3 What's your experience of Speedi Sleeve?
>Q.4 Are there alternatives to Speedi Sleeve? (I don't include having the
>axle ends machined.)
>Ron, in Ireland
>'59 AN5 "Oggibip"