Just a little more info from a couple of web sites.
According to Pistonheads.com - The 500-horsepower Viper V-10 engine powering
the dual rear wheels gives this radical vehicle a potential top speed of 420
miles per hour (according to the drunken Dodgers). Wait until the hangover
kicks in...
According to AlPar.com - The Dodge Tomahawk can reach 60 miles an hour in
about 2.5 seconds, and has a theoretical top speed of nearly 400 mph.
According to Dodge.com 60 miles an hour in about 2.5 seconds, and top speed
of 300+ mph.
----- Original Message -----
From "brian S" <bugeye15 at hotmail.com>
> > One thing that has always bothered me, is that the media keeps spewing
> Dodge PR BS about how it has the potential to do 300mph. While I'm no
> expert, and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, To me it
> seems IMPOSSIBLE to go 300mph on only 500 HP, no matter how light it is,