I think I need a suitcase of HIF44 carbs before I can make it! I have 2 lots
of frequent flier miles that I collect. I get one set from using a credit
card to buy everything and the other from grocery shopping. One of them will
get me and the family across the pond for Sprite Fifty Finale - assuming one
happens in 2008. The other one I have to check but at present probably gets me
to Scotland.
Just make sure that webcam works properly - I spent ages joining Yahoo groups
and stuff last time to see a picture of a car - at all times of British day
and night.
I asked about Scrapple at Sprite Spree - it didn't sound like my kind of
food. I did have some shoofly pie but best of all was the proper pretzel I had
Heh, maybe you can FedEx me a doggie bag!
In a message dated 14/10/03 10:44:36 Pacific Standard Time,
wsthompson@thicko.com writes:
> Daniel,
> Hell, with airfares so low, maybe flying in is a possibility for you. If you
> can't afford it, we'll take up a collection. (Looks like $550 gets you to
> Chicago, $650 to Milwaukee in on the 27th, out on the 30th)
> The first year we did an SOS weekend, people that couldn't make it shipped
> in their local Thanksgiving meal favorites... everyhing from scrapple...(some
> ungody mix of animal parts including lips and hooves made into some fort of
> spam, to oysers (or were they clams?) . I made Swedish pancakes one AM, and
> cooked a turkey on the grille.
> So, Spridgeteers, whattya say we bring an Englishman to the colonies for a
> proper thanksgiving meal?
> >> -----Original Mess