The Works Midget "grew" a flat spot on the right front tire at Grattan....maybe
it's something in the water? When I pulled off the wheels to replace the front
fender someone bent, I found all these little threads stickin out of the core.
Just didn't look right. Hadn't seen anything like that since I tried to get
"just one more weekend" out of the BFG's I ran on the MGB. Rick Fisk said each
time I braked after the "ski jump" I got a puff of smoke from the right front.
And I thought that smoke was coming from my shorts. Anyway, my prep now
includes a set of those Uncle Elmo sticky-by-gosh racer tires that he was
selling from behind a meatball stand in Logantucky, Indiana. They won't make
my car tip over again, will they?
John Deikis