I talked to Doug (some time ago) and the lever I want only comes in a
kit, it is not sold separately. It points the cable attachment up and
has the idle adjustment tab on it.
I have *99024.256* pictured on that page, but, it puts the cable
attachment to the bottom of the carb. rather than the top. It has the
idle adjustment tab on it and it will only fit one way. (I'd like to
keep the idle adjustment if possible).
If all else fails.....I'll use the universal linkage. Thanks for the
suggestion and info.
Kevin V.
Vernon Brown wrote:
Pierce manifolds has all the different linkage parts. Look on the web site
to see if you recognize the one you want. I used the universal DCOE
lever pn. 99005.313 and the cable anchor pn. 99005.357. You may have to
a rebuild kit too to meet their minimum order. If you have questions call
Doug at Pierce 408 842 6667 and he will help.
Sandy Brown