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Re: No LBC.....just SNOW-NOT! EST

To: Ankitterer@aol.com
Subject: Re: No LBC.....just SNOW-NOT! EST
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 13:48:18 -0500 (EST)
Cc: spridgets@autox.team.net
No, Annice...

Never mind making excuses for Jacques
based upon the reality of the situation,
Annice. It's a damn good thing I love
my own company, know how to entertain myself, have plenty to eat & do
around here and have Phred around....'cause I'm trapped! 

Jacques should therefore, obviously be shot on sight, no questions
asked, no
quarter given, no mercy!! :)

Ahh, what the hell...might as well remain
friends....ok...he's forgiven..:)

So, Jacques, how's it running? Finished
"spec" of car and motor?

As to Bob being concerned for you in
the "overpowered" Miata in the rain.....

see what you get for being loved??

Your fault, obviously! :):) Wonder whether
Kate will keep her "new little cat" (hope
she does)?

Cap'n. Bob (Ret'd)
      '60 Frog

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