This is the site. The AVG anti-virus software appears to work just as well
as Norton in stopping virus infections, doesn't try to take over your
computer like the typical Norton software, and it's free for personal use.
----- Original Message -----
From "Jacques Le Clainche" <jleclainche at cox.net>
> Spridgeteers,
> I have been using Norton for years with Windows 95/98 with little or no
> problems... but there seems to be quite a few bugs in the Norton for
> 2000 Pro- and that's what I am running now...
> A week or two ago, a Spridgeteer posted a message with details of free
> antivirus software- could you send me that message again, please? I'd like
> to dump Norton once and for all!
> Jac
> jleclainche@cox.net
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