Brad and list.
I count you as friends, whether we've met or not. Since we're all entitled
to our opinions, and we all have delete keys, I hereby will air mine. As
for the off topic subjects and their place on this list, the only thing I
take exception to is when a poster assumes that "we all" share the same
opinion on heated topics. Guns, Religion, Abortion, Politics and the like
are hot button topics. If you post on one of these subjects, EXPECT to
offend 50% of the people who read it, as both sides of these topics are
never going to agree. Having a point of view different than mine doesn't
preclude a friendship, no more than sharing a similar point of view
guarantees it. My opinion on guns:
1. Guns are designed to kill. It's that simple.
2. There is no such thing as a sporting gun. What kind of sport results in
3. Target practice isn't a sport either. It is killing practice. That's
why many targets are the silhouette of a human. Like practicing your aim?
Take up darts.
4. Hunting isn't a sport. In a true sport there is an equal chance that
either side can win or loose, and awake tomorrow to play again. Since the
animal always looses, I doubt he would find the act of being hunted
"sporting". Hunting for food also is not a reason to own a gun. Last time
I was at the grocery store, there was no shortage of meat. If it were a
good reason to own a gun, we should issue one gun to each homeless person so
they could feed themselves. Hunting doesn't get you closer to nature, it
kills a part of it. If you want to get closer to nature, take the scope,
and leave the rifle at home. Get up close and yell "BANG" and watch Bambi
run away. If you had a gun, you probably would have missed anyway. Same
end result. If you miss walking away from the hunt with something to show
for it, take a camera, and hang an 8x10 on the wall instead of a set of
horns. Hunting as population management is flawed. Animals can be trapped,
and euthanized humanely.
5. Guns are useless as self defense. If the criminal has one the only
thing you can accomplish is a stalemate. Usually the stalemate results in
your death.
6. The slippery slope argument between the outlaw of spidgets, corvairs,
and guns is flawed. The only persons killed in a spridget crash due to the
design of the car is the driver and willing passenger "if" an accident
occurs. Most the time, guns kill the other guy. I do oppose helmet laws on
motorcycle riders because I do see a similarity between a motorcycle rider
being forced against his will to wear a helmet, and the eventuality of a
spridget driver being forced to wear a helmet.
7. You are probably right that the outlaw of guns won't reduce crime, it
will only reduce the number of 15 year olds mowing down their classmates,
curious children blowing their brains out and stuff like that.
8. I actually support everyone's right to own and collect guns. I simply
believe that ammunition and reloading equipment should be outlawed.
David Riker
63 Falcon
70 Torino
74 Midget
----- Original Message -----
From "Brad Fornal" <toyman at>
To: "Mike Gigante" <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 5:27 AM
Subject: NOW LBC CONTENT, was: The Gun debate
> OK, lets move our focus just a tad.
> Lets say the here in the U.S., Green Party Candidate Ralph Nader gets
> Pres.
> (this is an if!!) I am sure other countries have similar persons seeking
> The new Pres says, "Ok, years ago I felt that the Corvair and the Spridget
> unsafe, so I now have the opportunity to make our great land safer for
those to
> stupid to drive safely. ALL owners of Spridgets and Corvairs have till
July 1st
> to turn their car and parts over to the government for the proper disposal
> these "Unsafe" vehicles.
> How many of you would line up and give away your car? They are unsafe, you
> DIE in these things, you have no air bags, some of the cars have a SPEAR
on the
> hood/bonnet for gods sake. No ABS brakes. You are so low, you go under
many of
> the safety devices on the big trucks. Do you not realize that a couple of
> buying a car like ours, and having a horrendous accident could indeed
create a
> similar scenario??
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