Since I know so little about our little cars I turn to the list before I take
out my toolkit (wallet) to solve the problem.
When I undid the hand brake on my 79 midget it seemed "funny." It was
alright about 1/2 of the way down and then seemed to be "free." The same
thing pulling up, the first 1/2 way up there is no tension on the handle, and
then the second 1/2 up there is tension. The brakes seem to be dragging big
time. I could not move the car by hand with the brake handle all the way
down and my drive way is a bit of an incline at the end and the car just sat
there. On the way back from the store (yes, I drove it anyway) the car did
slide down the drive, but not with the speed that it should have. What do I
look for? How do I fix it? Thank you in advance.
John P.
John Poynton
79 Midget "Yellow Fever"
Havertown Pa 19083