Okay, here's another possibility (and it won't cost money to do):
We've all got some sort of ISP giving us access to the Web and e-mail,
right? Many of us have, or have a place for, a "parts available"
and/or a "parts needed" page. Those of us that don't can probably find
someone who can put one up for us.
Why not set up a "toomuchsh*t" Webring using one of the available
(free) services? (For those who don't know, a Webring is a system
where you have a database of links set up so all someone has to do is
click on a "next" link to go to the next page in the ring.)
It can be set up to point to a specific parts page, so you can start
with any of the pages and scroll through to go shopping.
What think ye? If the consensus is yes, we can probably have it
operational in the next few weeks.
Chris K.