Finally, we got a working generator. All summer we wait and wait. The
armature goes back and forth three or four times to a rewinder. Each
time, they say it's good, shop puts it together, no juice. We took a
crusty old used one over, they take it apart, clean up, and put the
armature in ours and it works first try. YOI! Put it in tonight and ran
to the gas station everything works perfectly. Going to need bearings in
the rear, it sounds like pinion set is going. Winter project for that.
Soon as the crank thrust washers get here and I put them in we can run
all over the place. Yeah!!!! The engine seems alot happier with some run
time building up, hardly any smoke now. Not bad for sitting 29 years and
not rebuilding it. Sprite Spree '03 here we come. I'll get some new
stuff on the web page soon including the spring lowering shims.
Dave & Bobbie Carpenter
Pittsburgh, PA
60 3000 "Healey Bits" (in more pieces than they built it from)
60 Bugeye "Little Bits" click the link below for pictures
Pictures from Pittsburgh Vintage Gran Prix