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Anyone seen this bonnet?

To: <spridgets@autox.team.net> teamfat2.dsl.aros.net id g4SBW1u07812
Subject: Anyone seen this bonnet?
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 07:31:53 -0400 .com>
Thread-index: AcIGO0O/Io2TCsBcRZWVhjptO3G0qA==
Thread-topic: Anyone seen this bonnet?
So...here I am at work...being a little bored, I surf the Internet on my 
favorite subject...SPRIDGETS!  Anyways, I was on the MiniMania website and 
'saw' (or at least, read a listing) for something I've never heard of...The 
"Walker" bonnet.  Here's the link to the listing.  There's no picture on there 
though, just a brief description.  Have any of you actually seen this before?  
If so...do any of you know of any picture of it on the net?  (always interested 
in the unknown!)  :-)


-Mike Thompson
'71 Spridgets

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