Dave@SWCP.com Taos Garage Annex in Albuquerque
'59 AH :{) '54 100
----- Original Message -----
From "Jarrett Galbreth" <galbreth at swcp.com>
Subject: Computer Virus
I received the following e-mail from a friend. Please take immediate action
as I did indeed find the virus file in my hard drive. I did as instructed
below and deleted it. I STRONGLY URGE YOU TO DO LIKEWISE.
Subject: VIRUS!!!!!! Many apologies for this. I have received a virus that
is transmitted automatically via address books. Because I have your e-mail
address in my address book, it means that you are likely to have this
computer virus and you will likely pass it on to everyone in your address
book. This virus is not detectable by McAfee or Norton and lies dormant for
14 days before it closes down your entire system. Below is a simple yet
effective method of finding and deleting the virus before it can do any
1. Go to start - then "find" (depending on your computer)
2. In the "search" for "files or folders", type in "sulfnbk.exe" this is
the virus.
3. In the "look in" make sure you are searching drive c.
4. Hit "search" button (or find)
5. If the file shows up (it is an ugly blackish icon that will have the
name "sulfnbk.exe") -**do not open it**!!!!!
6. Right click on the file, go to delete and left click on it.
7. It will ask you if you want to send it to the recycle bin say "yes"
8. Go to your desktop (where all your icons are) and double cl ick on the
recycle bin.
9. Right click on "sulfnbk. Exe" and delete again or empty the recycle bin.
10. If you find this virus on your computer, send this e-mail to everyone
listed in your address book.
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