> Suggestions?
> chuckc
Don't forget to bury the cat
----- Original Message -----
From "chuck" <chuckc at attglobal.net>
To: <midgetsprite@yahoogroups.com>; "spridget list"
Sent: 25 April 2002 22:38
Subject: Travelin' Nawth - no LBC; need directions!
> This North Carolina boy is gonna be headin' North in
> about a week. I sure could use some wise advice about a route.
> I'm going from NC up to central Mass - the Worcester area..
> I'll be coming up I-85 to I-95, I-495 around DC, I-295 to
> the NJ Turnpike (for joy).
> Then I'm torn between staying right on 95 (NYC and all),
> or taking the Garden State up to 287, 684, and 84.
> This area in and around NJ and NY has me concerned.
> Suggestions?
> chuckc
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