I consider myself a liberal, don't like guns or violence etc etc,
I CANNOT BELIEVE the winging and wringing of hands coming from the
media in the UK (and USA) about the "treatment" these prisoners!!
They have so quickly forgotten that these are dangerous individuals
intent or causing unimaginable attrocities who seem to me to be
getting very acceptable treatment in the prison camps. One thing for
absolute ceratainty is that, were the tables turned, any USA or UK
prisoners would not get off so lightly!!
UK Citizen
----- Original Message -----
From "Brad Fornal" <toyman at>
To: "Robert E. Shlafer" <>
Cc: "Brent Wolf" <>; "Spridgets"
Sent: 24 January 2002 13:18
Subject: Re: Be An American (No LBC)
> I agree completely!! Especially after seeing on the news that there
are folks
> that are complaining about the treatment of P.O.W.'s in other
countries. These
> "whiners" have obviously already forgotten one simple fact, WE ARE
> P.O.W. do not have the rights that normal U.S. citizens have. It is
> to me that the same folks that used our leniency against us, i.e.
terrorism on
> our lax airplane security, are now being offered even more of same,
by "virtue"
> (I use that word sarcastically) of our bleeding heart liberals that
can't seem to
> remember why those jerks ended up in Cuba to start with. If, by some
> there is a lister that thinks that these folks are being treated
unfairly. THEY
> ARE NOT U.S. CITIZENS, THEY ARE NOT IN THE U.S..................
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