I put the Weber DGV on my 76. At first I was not overly impressed. Yes, it
is and was quite easy to installed and setup, etc. But it didn't perform as
I thought it should. During someone else's note, someone said go to
Gerardsgarage and get the tech tip on installation, setup and tuning the
weber dgv. I did and I am now impressed.
So if you decide to go with the weber, Step one is take the instructions
that come with it and throw in garbage. Step 2, Go to Gerardsgarage Tech
Tips, Print and follow the installation, setup and tuning - you will be
miles ahead.
Just my thoughts.
----- Original Message -----
From "Chris King" <cbking at>
To: <>
Cc: <@Autox.Team.Net>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 8:54 AM
Subject: 1500 Carb Options-LONG! WAS: Re: distributors--Stalling DVAG
> I've been doing a lot of research round the web on 1500 carbs. Basically,
since my '79 engine needs to come out at some point to go into the new
shell, I'm planning on poking around a bit inside, probably checking the rod
and main bearings, replacing the thrust washers (even though they are still
in place, it just makes sense with the engine out.) Compression seems good
(last I checked, I don't remember the numbers offhand), though the car does
have the 7.5:1 pistons. I'm also planning on ditching a lot of the smog
> So, I'm looking at cheap ways to get more oomph out of the engine. One way
iscarbs, and I'm looking at several options, and I'm looking for the list's
collective wisdom on what you've tried and what works.
> 1.5" sigle carbs
> A. ZS 150CD4T This is what's on there now. Runs rough until warm, but
probably needs valves adjusted, timing set, etc. Autochoke may be stuck
open, and I've heard that these are a real pain to get working right.
> B. ZS 150CD manual choke. I picked up for $40 a ZS 150CDSE from Ebay -
turns out to be the rear carb for a '71-'72 GT6. With the right needle it'll
probably work OK. But no extra oomph.
> C. SU HS4. Someone on one of the other MG BBS's uses this in plsce of the
ZS. He used an MGA needle in it (don't know which MGA needle, though).
Advantage is that they're somewhat simpler than the ZS. But it's still a
1.5" carb.
> 1.5" Dual Carbs
> A. dual HS4's. A few of you I know have converted to these. How do they
run with a US dizzy and 7.5:1 pistons, if you're set up that way? Sourcing
the manifold doesn't seem to be the easiest thing, though...
> 1.75" single Carb
> A. ZS 175 CD, from MGB. Advantage, it's bigger than the 150CD.
Disadvantage, it's still a ZS!
> B. SU HS6 or HIF44. Advantage, bigger venturi, not a ZS. Disadvantage,
what needle to use?
> Weber DGV
> I know some of you have Webers and like them. They seem easy to set up.
But they're a little pricey, given the other things that the Midget will
definitely need.
> So if you've read this far, what say you all? Any pearls of wisdom? :-)
> -=Chris
> Chris King -
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