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Fw: ho-ho-ho!

To: <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Fw: ho-ho-ho!
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 08:45:55 -0500
(forgot the plain text thing!  so it gets forwarded!  :)  )

it's almost christmas and i think we are going to erect a tree here this
weekend.  things here are going at an amazing pace as of late.   but come
christmas morning i will have a very excited and happy little boy.  that's
what our christmas is going to be like here.  then off to spend the rest of
the day with family.  spending time with friends and family...i'm looking
forward to the holiday.   i have much to be thankfull for reflecting on this
last year.  and i am thankfull.  there is far too much to list .   with all
this in mind i wish evryone a safe and happy holiday season.   take time to
remember where you came from.  remember all those who you have met in
passing.  and never loose sight of the future.
merry christmas and a happy new year to all!
(glad no one asked me to be a santa this year...ho-ho-ho!)

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