I just want to thank everyone on the list for your help this past 8 mo. I
was able to fire my engine up for the first time the night before
Thanksgiving. And actually made it run a bit today. WOW what feeling to
actually have it kind of working! This car has set since 1982, and it was
the first time this engine has started i'm guessing since at least that
time. With out you guys, i'd been lost ( I still am) but more so than ever.
I'm working on some issues with my DCOE 40, so once those are figured out
I'll really be happy. Next comes the interior and then the body. Once
again thanks for the inspiration and the encouragment.
To all you that wanted some head plugs, I checked and the company here in
OKC will have some in the next week. I still have your emails.
71 MG Midget