Kate -
Tell us when and where, and Marcy and I will be there if we can,
wrenches in hand. This is an issue of personal integrity, which you
have already demonstrated.
You guys need help? Just say so.
Amy needs help? Well, at best she's got a lot of fence-mendin' to do.
Just like the terrorist situation, if we let this sort of thing change
how we treat one another overall, the deadbeats win.
Chris K.
> I am hoping to install a 5 speed in my car next summer, and I would
> love to have a tech
> session party with people who know how to do it. Situations like the
> "Amy Incident" make it highly unlikely that this will transpire,
> though I would have paid Paul prior to receiving his kit. I agree
> the List is intended to be used as a warning to use caution when
> with certain individuals.
> Kate