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RE: Question - Amy Soich

To: "Flemming Larsen" <flarsen@earthlink.net>, <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Question - Amy Soich
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 09:32:39 -0800
References: <3BDBC06B.BABB9E51@clipper.net>

But I disagree. I have no financial stake in the matter one way or another,
but we (the list) act as a community, helping each other out and if someone
comes along and appeals for the good will of others and takes advantage of
it, it kinda ruins it for others. We deserve to know for future reference,
just the same as others get a good reputation for helping others. If
someone wants to preserve their reputation, they need to do the right
things to preserve it. She's certainly had the chance to defend or correct
the matter of it's a misunderstanding. She certainly made LOTS of
appearances here organizing the affair.

Certainly those that volunteered their help didn't have any expectations of
compensation (other than the beer and camaraderie, but I'd feel a bit
embarassed by the way things turned out. However, I doubt that Ed said
"help yourself to my inventory".

Unfortuantly, there are plenty of people in the world like this...
fortunately they seem to be in the minority here.


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