OK, so I'm slowing working along on my wire to steel wheel conversion. I have
a replacement steel wheel style axle housing. I'm taking it apart to clean it
up and paint it, and while removing the brake backing plates I notice it's
attached with some slightly unusual nuts. At first I thought they were
nylock, but after cleaning them up I realized they aren't, but they do have
some kind of locking "thing" on the end. It's shaped kind of like a nylock
but all steel, and the end where the nylon insert would be has tiny slits
between it and the main body of the nut. It seems to be slightly crimped or
something that gives it some locking ability.
Anyway, I know you really aren't supposed to reuse nylocks, but what about
these? They seem to be very snug still. If not (and I'm usually inclined to
replace all hardware like this anyway) are nylock nuts a suitable substitute?
Or standard nuts plus lock washers?
1971 Midget