Don't give up hope! My "Madge" was in the hospital from October until
late May when I needed to have her engine gone through and a new gearbox
installed. My mechanic told me he would do right by me money-wise, as
long as I would let him do the work as time permitted and I would locate
the parts. I gave him Brit Auto Parts' business card and said "Fine, I
have far more time than money". He was somewhat surprised when everytime
he called for a part he was told "Yup, got it in stock, be there in an
hour". Anyway, my total bill for labor, which included a tow truck to
his new shop, a battery, and a fuel pump was $400. Does anyone wonder
why I have followed this mechanic to 4 different shops? What I am trying
to say is, when you finally do get your car back, drop into every shop
in your area and talk to the people who actually do the work. Find one
you feel comfortable with and who actually enjoys these finicky little
beasts. You will be a whole bunch happier in the long run.
Kate (Whose beloved Chrysler was totally destroyed by the wrong shop)