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Re: car show pics (not taken by me)

To: SDOliner@aol.com, patricia.sauthoff@Colorado.EDU, spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: car show pics (not taken by me)
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 11:01:55 EDT
In a message dated 09/18/2001 10:37:36 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 
SDOliner@aol.com writes:

> By the way is that an Earl Schieb's paint job?
> David Oliner

I think he was a west coaster, and he's passed away now I believe, but his 
chain of paint shops for many years carried the banner "Paint any car for 
$99.95".  And yes, I know you get what you pay for, but sometimes you pay 
more than you should for what you get.

R Houston
...there is no glory in dying for your country.  The glory is in making the 
other guy die for his!  G. Patton

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