I saw this in another newsgroup I belong to...thought
I would share it with all of you.
Brazil Parliament Votes To
Allow Air Passengers To
Carry Light Firearms
RIO DE JANEIRO - To avoid that an aircraft is
used as bomb
against important buildings, the Brazilian parlament
decided today to
liberate light weapons (calibre less than 0.38) for
all passengers
over 21 years old.
As 65% of all Brazilians with income more than
US$ 2000 always
walks equipped with gun, the government finds it safe
and guaranteed
that sufficient persons will react against any
eventual highjackings.
Extra information will be distributed and
presented by the air
hostess, when they show the safety equipment they will
also inform the
passengers to prepare eventual shot with precision,
always take aim at
chest to avoid that bullets perforate the shell of the
The president, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, wanted
to make his veto
against the proposal, but was rejected by the
astounding majority of
234 against 6 votes.
Dan Dwelley
77 Midget
64 Sprite (Rotary Project)
Alexandria, Va.
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful
servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten
the gift."
- Albert Einstein.
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