Brian S-
Yeah, you've got to watch the synthetics
with "older" vehicles or vehicles produced
to wide tolerances for whatever reasons.
Synthetic film strength makes up for their
"lack" of apparent viscositty, but man, I
know what you mean when you see that
oil pressure dropping! It's a bad feeling to
be sure. Synthetics are superior in many
respects, including flowability in cold
weather initial start, but I go with the thickest multi-grade synthetic
I can find,
taking "seasonal" temps into consderation.
After reading Vizard's article on Oil Extreme (
I went "over" to their 20-50 for summer
use, which I fortify a bit (only in summer)
with a little Penzoil 60 race stuff, just
because I like to see the higher pressure,
though this synthetic probably doesn't
need this fortification in thickness at all.
Makes me "feel better", though!!
Cap'n. Bob
'61 :{)