Hi, Glen-
Caught your earlier mail regarding early
AM trip with daughter; must have been
beautiful experience for both of you,
obviously. Kids love Sprites, no doubt
about it; they "fit" well! We won't talk
about the "driving like an old man bit",
best not to go there!!
With respect to aluminum radiator, could
not agree more.
Went over a year ago on my Frog with
electric "puller", removing mechanical
fan altogether. Run 68c thermostadt and
never get close to overheating in any
situation at outside airtemps. up to 92F,
which is about as hot as it's gotten in
Stamford, CT this year.
The alum. rad. is so effective, I block off
at least 50% of it for winter driving on
nice, snow/salt free, days, with 82c
thermostadt for decent hear.
Well worthwhile investment.
Capt. Bob
' 61:{)