Has anyone ever experienced a sticking shifter on a ribcase before (of
course you have...'-)
This is the '71 Midget again and 3rd gear will very occasionally stick in
gear and won't come out again without a lot of force. I'm thinking the
wrong length detent spring (too strong) in the inspection cover. But I
guess it could be a detent problem or a shift fork that needs some fine
tuning. This only does this in 3rd gear (not forth) and it is also quirly
to put into 3rd. When shifting from second, you must draw the shifter
toward forth a bit before shifting into 3rd.
Any way to correct this with the trans in the car? I think I can get to
the side cover in the car, but I'm not sure. Anyone know if the earlier and
later (reverse switch) housing are compatible to be switched?
I really need some list wisdom on this one.
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G G Gerard Chateauvieux
R R pixelsmith@gerardsgarage.com
R G Pixelsmith on Duty
S http://www.gerardsgarage.com