Last summer I was having missing problems that I concluded was the fuel in
the float bowls getting hot in stop and go traffic. One of the local LBC
mechanics made me a custom heat shield to go between the headers and the
carbs. It came complete with asbestos on the back and seemed to cure the
problem or at the very least, alleviate it. Today is the first really warm
day here, 29C, and its up to its old tricks. If you sit at a light for a
couple of minutes or shut the car off for 5 minutes it coughs and splutters
until fresh fuel is supplied.
Do those of you that live in areas where daily temperatures in the 80+F
range are the norm have a similar problem? If so, I would really
appreciate some help. I have thought of wrapping the headers or putting
reflective tape on the float bowls but I'm also wondering if maybe there is
a fuel line routing issue that I'm not seeing. My fuel line is the
original with the exception of a filter just head of the carbs and braided
fuel line there also. The engine seems to be running at just slightly
warmer than what it does is much cooler weather so I not sure that is a