Subject says it all, sort of, I just went to dual SUs on my 1500
Midget. Some people run with a heat shield between the SUs and the
exhaust manifold. I have a couple of questions, first is a heat
shield really required? If so what is the best way to make one. I
mean I imagine that size is important along with the distance from
the heat source to the SUs. What is the optimal distance. My gut
tells me that half way between the SUs and the heat source is the
correct location, but I am not a thermodynamic engineer. Any ideas,
and remember that my math is only good for a BA, Ron. Oh yeah
anyone have an old MGB heat shield that the might want to part with,
sell, or swap for an old creaky Shar-Pei.
"Facts are the enemy of truth"
77 Midget
90 Shar-Pei