In a message dated 06/08/2001 11:16:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> "Hi Tom. The Midget is fine, it was just out of gas."
> "How is that possible? It was showing half a tankful."
> "Yes, I saw that two, but it was completely out of gas. We put in a tankful
> and it started right up. That'll be $12.00"
> What's happening here? When I picked up the car, it was showing a full
> tank.
> Does this mean when I am showing half a tank, it is in fact empty? Is this
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Oh yeah. We forgot to tell you that some Midgets are overly optimistic about
their fuel levels. Just fill the tank, drive about 150 miles, and fill it
again. And BTW, check the accuracy of your odometer. You might want to
carry a calculator in the glovebox. :-)
Allen Hefner
Philly Region SCCA Rally Steward
'77 Midget
'92 Mitsubishi Expo LRV Sport