I just had to have one on my Midget vintage racer, just because they are
so cool. Particularly when I went to the San Diego Aerospace museum and
saw that they were used on WWI fighter planes! Zoom!
BTW, I'm planning on going to Watkins Glen for the SVRA races in
September. Look for the red No. 57 Midget with the RAF roundels! Over
3200 miles roundtrip from Houston, but I just gotta do it!
David Littlefield
'62 MGA MkII
'51 MGTD
'74 MG Midget vintage racer
'88 Jaguar XJ-S
On Wed, 06 Jun 2001 15:41:13 -0500 Gary Speckman <speckman@coredcs.com>
> I picked up an original Brooklands screen, with all the right patina,
> for under $150
> on ebay last winter. As I understand it, the early Brooklands
> screens had only one
> "adjuster" wing nut. The later replicas had two. Is that correct?
> I had been
> watching for them on Ebay. Every now and then, one, or a pair show
> up, but I havent
> seen them sell for anywhere near the prices you quoted. Thats
> insane. Would you
> have the URL for those auctions by chance?
> After having a hassle with the Tech inspectors at the SVRA vintage
> race at Watkins
> Glen for two years in a row over my lack of a windshield on the Team
> Thicko Bugeye,
> I figured this would satisfy them and look great on the car. It did
> both.
> Gary
> Plover WI
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