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Re: Spridgetstock IIa

To: RBHouston@aol.com
Subject: Re: Spridgetstock IIa
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2001 07:44:34 -0500
Cc: toyman@digitex.net;, spridgets@autox.team.net;, mgs@autox.team.net
I'm glad that Robert and Brad enjoyed the weekend anyway.  You forgot to 
mention all the other folks who turned up from around here, including some 
from the MG list, (hence the cross posting).

We had a good weekend too, made smoother by the Buttery Whatsits.  I even 
sent the recipe on to Alice,  for those of you who remember her.

I am hoping to arrange to have a few semi-local vendors, and motor 
builders,  to put in an appearance in September, so it should be a little 
more interesting.  We could even arrange for a swap meet if enough people 
were interested in doing that.  I would also like to throw it open to other 
marques, we are all part of the same family after all.  David Littlefield 
from Houston is, I believe, planning to bring some of the folks from the 
Houston MG club too.

A word of caution though, we don't have a ranch, or anything like it.  Just 
a piece of land which probably looks bigger because of all the trees that 
we need to cut down because they have succumbed to the dreaded lurg.  So, 
if any of you out in Lbc land are contemplating coming, don't come 
expecting some palatial ranch, 'cos you won't find it.  Just ask Kate and 
Gary.  What you will find, however, is a friendly bunch of people, willing 
to talk cars, politics, social science, philosophy, even guns, and just 
about anything else under the sun.  It is a very relaxed atmosphere with no 
outside pressures.  We try to make sure that there is sufficient food for 
all, even fun for the kiddies.  Brad and I both have teenage daughters, and 
we still have Devin (now nearly 5) with us, so we have a pretty good cross 
section of ages.  The eldest, this year, was Ham (Retired U.S.A.F. Col. 
Maynard Hamilton) at 84, and Devin was the youngest. Although much has been 
said about the consumption of adult beverages, it isn't a drunken orgy by 
any means, just people winding down a little after the stresses of the 
outside world.

         We can support RVs and those wishing to bring a tent and camp 
outside.  In September it will still be warm enough for this, and probably 
the worst thing you'll have to contend with is the horses and the chickens, 
but neither are vicious, nor is the Rott who has free reign of the place.

Alas, I don't know of a cure for chiggers either, except perhaps sulphur 
powder (smelly stuff but it does seem to help fend the little bu**ers off a 
little).  They even seem immune to my sorcery, perhaps that is why the 
sulphur works a little- fire and brimstone and all that!

Seriously folks, those of you who might consider coming in September should 
let me know, so that I can tempt the local vendors with a captive 
audience.  You may just find that elusive part that you've been looking 
for, but you will certainly make more contacts to add to your store, and 
you'll have a relaxing, fun time to boot.  In the event that the numbers 
swell considerably, I would appreciate some contribution to the kitty for 
victuals, since I don't have a bottomless purse, but I don't think it would 
be more than a few dollars or so.

I think I've probably said enough on the subject for now, hope to meet more 
of you in September.


At 06:08 PM 5/31/01 -0400, RBHouston@aol.com wrote:
>Well, I finally found my desk after taking a couple of days off to, among
>other things, visit the lovely oasis of Comfort, TX and the resident witch
>and family. Soooo, I thought I'd relate the experience to the list.
>You really have to be there to appreciate it, but the Jones compound, er...
>ranch, is loacted in the Texas hill country, commonly known as heaven to the
>rest of the world.
>Due to an opressive boss and the distance involved, I arrived Saturday
>afternoon and was greeted by Fisher, Elizabeth, daughter Becky, Brad Fornal
>and family, and friend Mike.
>They had all been sampling some north Texas concoction of wine, tequila, and
>fruit juice, so in order to save their livers I brought a nice old single
>malt scotch, and a bottle of butterscotch schnaps (two entirely different
>kinds of scotch!).  I mentioned that the clerk at the liquer store suggested
>mixing the schnaps with Baily's irsh creme...and of course Brad (the vampire
>maker) instantly recognized the drink as a slippery nipple..renamed due to
>the presence of small children "slippery whatsitz".
>These were especially enjoyed by the hostess and I am sure contributed to the
>sumptuous meal that soon covered the dining room table and sideboard.  For
>the old listers I must say that the platters of delicicious foodstuffs
>completely covered any evidence of spur scratches on the table.
>Like the scenery, one has to sample Elizibeths cooking to believe it.
>For LBC content, I loaded up an only slightly mangled bugeye bonnet in the PU
>and looked over the chassis I had purchased..er tub, er project!  I came
>complete with an original Les Leston steering wheel, although with somewhat
>bent spokes and woodless rim.  The wheel looks like it took the place of the
>missing airbag when the car was wrecked...if you know what I mean.
>I had my two grandchildren with me, and they now know where eggs come from.
>MY 6yr old granddaughter, Taylor, followed the chickens around for hours!
>Like a true LBC lover, I roamed the property also, and fell in love with a
>Morris Minor sedan, another project that seems to be begging for a hot Toyota
>V6 and 5speed.  I also salivated over the MGAs, the TRs, and Minis..even the
>I understand there may be another gathering of the the deranged, er...British
>car lovers later this year.  If you have any chance at all of making this, GO
>FOR IT!  I think the PA bunch should caravan down, or rent a van...Frank any
>chance of finding a London bus and having it running by fall?
>Again, my thanks to the Jones family, Brad and family, Charlie R and all for
>a great time.
>Robert Houston...anybody know a good cure for chiggers????
>..You really only need two tools.  WD40 and Duct tape.  Things that are
>supposed to move and don't get WD40 and things that are not supposed to move
>and do get Duct tape....

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